Prayer has been described as the oxygen that a Christian breathes. Several sayings emphasize the importance of prayer. For example, the apostle Paul tells us to “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5 v 17).
A children’s chorus states “Read your Bible, pray everyday if you want to grow”.
Another saying is “Seven days without prayer make one weak”.
When we pray, we invite God into our situation. When we do not pray, we leave God out completely. There can be little doubt that the prayers of Christians helped to defeat the evil which was personified by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War.
Prayer is powerful. During the drought in 1976 in the UK thousands of Christians prayed to God for rain. The Bible says, “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man/woman avails much” (James 5 v 16).
Many of the most powerful prayers are the simplest and uttered often by little children. For example
A children’s chorus states “Read your Bible, pray everyday if you want to grow”.
Another saying is “Seven days without prayer make one weak”.
When we pray, we invite God into our situation. When we do not pray, we leave God out completely. There can be little doubt that the prayers of Christians helped to defeat the evil which was personified by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War.
Prayer is powerful. During the drought in 1976 in the UK thousands of Christians prayed to God for rain. The Bible says, “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man/woman avails much” (James 5 v 16).
Many of the most powerful prayers are the simplest and uttered often by little children. For example
Because of what Jesus has done we can address God as our Father as in The Lord’s Prayer. Prayer is basically speaking to God who loves us. Prayer is primarily about our needs not our wants. Hannah was desperate for a child and prayed to God who provided Hannah with baby Samuel.
Jesus prayed very early in the morning to His Father in heaven. We should also find time to pray.
Of all the four gospels, Luke’s gospel has probably the greatest emphasis on prayer. In His parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector Jesus commends the simplicity and the humility of the tax collector which pleases God:
“God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18 v 13).
Jesus encourages us to bring our requests to God at all times:
“Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you” (Luke 11 v 9).
The vital importance of prayer is summed up in the saying,
“Where all else fails, prayer prevails”
There are some dire problems facing the world today such as global warming and the coronavirus. It would be wonderful to see people all over the world praying to God for help. In the UK many of us are familiar with the expression “Let’s get Brexit done”.
As a future slogan for the whole world it would be hard to find a letter slogan than the following:
P.S. To his tremendous credit President Trump of America has just called for a National Day of Prayer on 15th March 2020 in view of the Coronavirus crisis.
President Trump stated:
“As your President, I ask you to pray for the health and well-being of your fellow Americans and to remember that no problem is too big for God to handle.
We should all take to heart the holy words found in 1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you”. Let us pray that all those affected by the virus will feel the presence of our Lord’s protection and love during this time.
With God’s help, we will overcome this threat”. I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together we will easily PREVAIL!”
Of all the four gospels, Luke’s gospel has probably the greatest emphasis on prayer. In His parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector Jesus commends the simplicity and the humility of the tax collector which pleases God:
“God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18 v 13).
Jesus encourages us to bring our requests to God at all times:
“Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you” (Luke 11 v 9).
The vital importance of prayer is summed up in the saying,
“Where all else fails, prayer prevails”
There are some dire problems facing the world today such as global warming and the coronavirus. It would be wonderful to see people all over the world praying to God for help. In the UK many of us are familiar with the expression “Let’s get Brexit done”.
As a future slogan for the whole world it would be hard to find a letter slogan than the following:
P.S. To his tremendous credit President Trump of America has just called for a National Day of Prayer on 15th March 2020 in view of the Coronavirus crisis.
President Trump stated:
“As your President, I ask you to pray for the health and well-being of your fellow Americans and to remember that no problem is too big for God to handle.
We should all take to heart the holy words found in 1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you”. Let us pray that all those affected by the virus will feel the presence of our Lord’s protection and love during this time.
With God’s help, we will overcome this threat”. I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together we will easily PREVAIL!”